a note to photographers
The last few weeks have been incredibly trying for so many individuals and businesses around the world, and I know that many of you as photographers have felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic far beyond the accessibility of items in the grocery store and the social isolation. There is a lot of fear and worry for both the present and the future, wondering when this all will end, when life will return to normal. And when it does return to normal, what that normal will look like - if there is any going back to what we had before. We have all been hit hard and it hurts. I want you to know that I see you and my heart is with you.
I have spent many hours lately thinking and wondering what this means for me, for all of us. I don’t have answers to all of the questions I’m asking. But I do believe that there will be good on the other side of this. This is a time when people are making adjustments. We have had the rug pulled out from under us and we are adapting to this new environment, as human beings do and have always done. We are changing the way we do business, how we relate to each other, how we think about life and what is important. We are realizing the value of community and connection; we are seeing how our actions impact our planet and how interwoven we are with all beings.
We as photographers have the unique position of seeing and capturing moments during a time when time itself seems like a blur. In that respect, there is so much we can do to focus on beauty and bring that beauty and happiness into the lives of others. Keep sharing the photographs of your children, your cup of coffee, the sun in your window, your puppy, the beautiful outdoors. These things are not less important at a time like this, they are more important. They help us stay connected to each other and to all the good things that still exist alongside all this pain.
Rebecca Curtis
I want to say a special thank you to those of you who are photojournalists (I’m looking at you Ryan Christopher Jones, among others) working so tirelessly to make sure we all have access to information that keeps us safe. I’m so grateful for your courage and commitment amidst all the personal risks. Thank you for showing us the humanity and the stories - for helping us look outside ourselves at a time when it’s easy to retreat too far inward.
I have been giving product away for free to photojournalists since announcing it on my Instagram stories, but I’d like to make sure that all of my clients and site visitors know that for the next 2 weeks (until April 11) I am happy to give any working photojournalist 2 of my Pro Sets if they feel this would be of benefit. This is really the least I can do to help and to say thank you for the important work you’re doing.
From what I understand, getting through this is going to be a marathon. I think what counts is that we all do what positive things we can - no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, it’s the collective effort that will keep us going and pave the way for a better, kinder world than we had before.
Stay safe and well.
With love,