Rebecca Lily Pro Set V for Lightroom and ACR Released
I’ve never been more excited to announce a new product – Pro Set V is now available for Lightroom 6/CC and ACR 9/10, bringing a whole new array of artistic color palettes to desktop editing!
Images: Whitney Hayes.
Beyond an evolution in my product lineup, Pro V reflects my own creative journey – of arriving at a place where I feel freedom from outside influence and trends, and where my work is truly born out of an inner vision.
I don’t only make products that are technically sound and easy to integrate and apply, I treat every color palette I design as artwork and a means of expression. Just as a photograph is most impactful when it is both technically sound and conveys heart, I believe a professional color grading product ought to be reliable but also artistic in approach. Color to me is art, and art is true inspiration come to life – not an emulation, not a science, not a copy of what has already been done before, but a unique idea expressing itself.
That is how Pro Set V began: as my idea of what I think beauty and feelings look like in color form.
Images: Whitney Hayes.
Some Pro V palettes are full of vibrance and bold true-to-life color, celebrating the natural world – the joy of a blue sky and sea, the warmth of a sunset or the lush greens of botanical life. Some are dark and moody, for an introspective, quieter look, for focusing on light and embracing shadows in a wabi-sabi approach. There’s a palette honoring Pantone’s 2018 Color of the Year, because who doesn’t love a pop of Ultraviolet in their life? And some color palettes are bright and pastel, with brilliant light and cheerful color tones that make the world look more like how we might ideally like to see it – a little more sunny, a little less harsh, a little more gentle.
My hope is that every individual photographer who uses these products finds their favorite color palettes that resonate with their own particular way of self-expression.
Images: Victoria Wright.
Aside from the individually handcrafted, artistic approach to color, you can count on the same reliability and professional results you’ve come to expect from my products: beautiful and luminous skin tones for all skin types, reducing the need for retouch, and new and improved techniques to capture the finest of fine gradients and detail. You’ll find at least 4 versions of every preset, giving you ease and flexibility with choosing the right edit for every lighting situation. You won’t find any look redundant to any previous set you already own; Pro V is completely unique. And you’ll be happy to discover that the looks you love are quick and easy to achieve with truly just a single click, saving you valuable time in your workflow.
Images: Chris Ozer.
My heartfelt thanks to the talented photographers who contributed images to showcase these new color palettes – I love all of their work, and to collaborate artistically with them is truly an honor: Whitney Hayes, Chris Ozer, Dawn Thomson, Finn Beales, Om Malik, Robert Strickland, Luisa Brimble, Sam Nute, Christopher Michel, Pei Ketron, Christina Greve, Pete Halvorsen, Victoria Wright, Jason de Plater, and Lavinia Cernau.
Pro Set V is available for Lightroom 6/CC and ACR 9/10 (Photoshop CS6/CC) and may be applied to RAW or JPG files. For more information about this set, please visit the product page.
Images: Jason de Plater.