New Rebecca Lily Signature Color Service
In a growing photography industry, it has become increasingly more important for photographers to develop a distinguishable style for their work. A distinctive, unique look is what sets the photographer apart and helps them find the right clients. Post-processing and a unique color palette are a very important part of the “look” that identifies a photographer’s recognizable, individual handwriting.
With the wide availability of popular post-processing products, many photographers are unhappy to identify that a lot of their competitors are using Lightroom presets or Photoshop actions that are identical to theirs. No one wants their colors to be widely recognizable as being from a certain vendor; they want to stand out from the crowd and offer a unique look and style. To create their own color palette is a very challenging task for many photographers, as they naturally would rather spend their time shooting than editing.
I’m proud to announce that I am now offering a personalized service called Rebecca Lily Signature Color.
Rebecca Lily Signature Color offers a set of completely distinctive and personalized products for Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw or Photoshop, giving you a look that is truly, uniquely yours.
Image: Jo Bradbury.
What can you expect from the Signature Color Service?
– Up to 6 completely unique products, for Photoshop, ACR, Lightroom or a combination of these
– Professional personal consultation
– Completion within 2-3 weeks from purchase order
– The ability to test your products and provide feedback before delivery of the final result
– Delivery of your final personal products via instant download
Products can be created for Lightroom 2, 3, 4 or 5; ACR 5, 6, 7 or 8; and Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 or CS6.
For more details or to book this service, please visit my Signature Color page.